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User Authentication

Receive authorization from users by asking for the required permissions.

Step by step

Create an App

First you need to create an app on

Go to Apps > New App and provide all the information required.

Enable User Authentication

Right after creating your app or after navigating your app on Apps > Your App click "Enable" within the "User Authentication" section.

Required Permissions

Now select the permissions your app requires.

Allows your app to access all payment data connected to the user's account.

Allows your app to access all integration data connected to the user's account.

Redirect URL

Now set the redirect URL where users should be send to after they have granted your app permissions.

Authentication URL

Make sure you copy the "Authentication URL".

This is the URL you need to send users to in order to start a user authentication flow.

Prepare User Authentication

Right before sending users to DePay to grant your app an authorization, create a random 32 bytes value called code_verifier and persist it as part of the authorization attempt.

After you have stored your code_verifier, generate code_challenge as a BASE64URL-safe-encoded SHA-256 hash of code_verifier + app_secret (string concatenation).

Attach code_challenge to the app authorization url:<VALUE>.

User Redirect

Once the user granted authorization on the authorization page, the user will be sent to the configured redirect_url of the app.

The redirect to the configured redirect_url will contain two additional parameters: code_challenge and authorization_code.

When users return to your redirect_url you need to validate that the value for code_challenge is indeed the BASE64URL-safe-encoded SHA-256 hash of your stored code_verifier + app_secret (string concatenation).

Use the authorization_code + code_verifier parameter to exchange it for an access_token before starting making requests to the API.

Retrieve Access Token

The access_token needs to be present in order to perform API requests on behalf of the user.

If your app has no access_token persisted for a given user it needs to retrieve the access_token for the given user by providing the authorization_code and code_verifier.

A single authorization_code can only be used once to retrieve an access_token.

### POST

Retrieves latest access_token.

+ Request (application/json)


+ Body

"app_id": "<YOUR APP ID>",
"code_verifier": "<VALUE>",
"authorization_code": "<VALUE>"

+ Response 200 (application/json)

+ Body

"access_token": "332407c4-368a-42bc-bfd6-e6f5ca96d893",
"refresh_token": "123e5f13-406e-4c6a-ab21-c7e01d168f97",
"expires_at": "2022-11-10T14:30:00.436Z"

This can only be done once for a single authorization_code as a given authorization_code will be invalidated once used.

You will need to restart the authentication flow if a authorization_code has been invalidated.

Refresh Access Token

An access_token has an expires_at set. The access_token needs to be refreshed after it expired (e.g. if expires_at >

The App API will start responding with the following once an access_token expired:

+ Response 401 (application/json)

+ Body

{ "error_code": "ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED" }

In order to refresh the access_token, prepare a refresh_challenge as a BASE64URL-safe-encoded SHA-256 hash of your stored refresh_token + app_secret (string concatenation).

### POST

Retrieves latest access_token.

+ Request (application/json)


+ Body

"app_id": "<YOUR APP ID>",
"access_token": "<YOUR STORED ACCESS TOKEN>",
"refresh_challenge": "<YOUR PREPARED CHALLENGE>",
"refresh_token": "<YOUR STORED REFRESH TOKEN>"

+ Response 200 (application/json)

+ Body

"access_token": "332407c4-368a-42bc-bfd6-e6f5ca96d893",
"refresh_token": "123e5f13-406e-4c6a-ab21-c7e01d168f97",
"expires_at": "2022-11-10T14:30:00.436Z"

This can only be done once for a single refresh_token.

You will need to restart the authentication flow if a refresh_token has been invalidated and you didn't manage to persist the next refresh_token.