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Web3 Tip Button

Receive tips with the click of a button.

DePay's Web3 Tip Button allows you to directly accept Web3 Tips without any required experience in JavaScript. Just use our button HTML to open a tip widget that uses your configuration.


<script src=""></script>
<noscript><a href="">Web3 Payments</a> are only supported with JavaScript enabled.</noscript>
<script>DePayButtons.init({document: document});</script>

Integration examples

Jump straight into example integrations for common frameworks and platforms:

Create a button

Go to and click "New Integration".

Make sure you select the "Tip Button" integration.

Give your integration a name so that you can identify it later on.

Accepted tokens/blockchains

Choose the tokens you wish to accept as tip methods. Ensure you provide a receiving wallet address for every selected token.

Place button html

Now you can place the integration code into your app and open the DePay Tip widget:

<script src=""></script>
<noscript><a href="">Web3 Payments</a> are only supported with JavaScript enabled.</noscript>
<script>DePayButtons.init({document: document});</script>

Redirect after tip

Enter the URL to which users should be redirected after a successful tip.

If you need to configure dynamic redirects, continue reading how to setup dynamic configurations.

Configure callbacks

Set up an endpoint to be called upon each successful tip.

The callbacks will execute a POST request to the specified URL.

Ensure you provide an HTTPS URL.

The callback's request body will be structured as follows:

"blockchain": "polygon",
"transaction": "0x053279fcb2f52fd66a9367416910c0bf88ae848dca769231098c4d9e240fcf56",
"sender": "0x317D875cA3B9f8d14f960486C0d1D1913be74e90",
"receiver": "0x08B277154218CCF3380CAE48d630DA13462E3950",
"token": "0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F",
"amount": "0.0985",
"payload": null,
"after_block": "46934392",
"commitment": "confirmed",
"confirmations": 1,
"created_at": "2023-08-30T11:37:30.157555Z",
"confirmed_at": "2023-08-30T11:37:35.492041Z"

Make sure your callback endpoint responds with 200, as otherwise the widget will not release the user. See payment flow.


Only successful payments are delivered to the configured callback.


Callback requests will retry any uncessfull response (response code was not 200) with an exponential backoff using the formula (retry_count * 4) + 15 + (rand(30) (retry_count + 1)) (i.e. 15, 16, 31, 96, 271, ... seconds + a random amount of time).

It will perform 25 retries over approx. 21 days.

Redirect user

If you want to dynamically redirect users upon callback response, provide the location with forward_to as part of the callback response:

"forward_to": ""

Configure events

If you want your systems to be informed about the different events occuring during the payment flow, configure an events endpoint url for your integration on

Once configured, event requests will execute a POST request to the specified URL.

Ensure you provide an HTTPS URL.

The event's request body will be structured as follows:

"status": "attempt",
"blockchain": "polygon",
"transaction": "0x053279fcb2f52fd66a9367416910c0bf88ae848dca769231098c4d9e240fcf56",
"sender": "0x317D875cA3B9f8d14f960486C0d1D1913be74e90",
"receiver": "0x08B277154218CCF3380CAE48d630DA13462E3950",
"token": "0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F",
"amount": "0.0985",
"payload": null,
"after_block": "46934392",
"commitment": "confirmed",
"confirmations": 1,
"created_at": "2023-08-30T11:37:30.157555Z",
"confirmed_at": "2023-08-30T11:37:35.492041Z"

status can be one of attempt, processing, failed or succeeded.


Event requests will retry any uncessfull response (response code was not 200) with an exponential backoff using the formula (retry_count * 4) + 15 + (rand(30) (retry_count + 1)) (i.e. 15, 16, 31, 96, 271, ... seconds + a random amount of time).

It will perform 25 retries over approx. 21 days.

Verify communication

Copy the public key provided for your integration (on, store and use it in your application to verify all communication from DePay's APIs to your systems is authentic.

DePay's api calls include an x-signature header with all requests sent to your systems.

Use that x-signature header together with the stored public key to verify the request is authentic.

DePay employs RSA-PSS with a salt length of 64 and SHA256 to sign request bodies. The signature is then sent base64 safe URL-encoded via the x-signature header.

Use DePay's verify-js-signature package for JavaScript & Node:

import { verify } from '@depay/js-verify-signature'

let verified = await verify({
signature: req.headers['x-signature'],
data: JSON.stringify(req.body),

if(!verified){ throw('Request was not authentic!') }

Some JavaScript frameworks modify req.body by default, which can break signature verification. If you encounter issues verifying the signature, try using the raw, unprocessed request body for verification:

verify: (req, res, buf, encoding) => {
req.rawBody = buf.toString(encoding);

let verified = await verify({
signature: req.headers['x-signature'],
data: req.rawBody,

Restrict domains

Integrations permit usage and embedding exclusively on websites hosted on specified domains.

If no domain is entered, domain restriction is entirely deactivated.

Once you specify even a single domain, restriction enforcement is activated.

It's essential to list each domain and subdomain you wish to support separately.

For instance:,,

Dynamic configuration

To pass a dynamic configuration to the button, such as for conveying dynamic prices or for initiating dynamic redirects after successful tips, you'll need to activate dynamic configurations for the specified integration.

After activation, your dynamic configuration - supplied via an API endpoint from your system - must return a valid widget configuration. This configuration should, at a minimum, detail the accepted tips, including blockchains, tokens, amount, and receiver.


Ensure you supply the widget configurations through your designated API endpoint. Do not pass the "accept" parameter directly to the widget during frontend initialization.

Set endpoint

First, you must specify an HTTPS URL endpoint that the integration will call each time someone attempts to make a tip.


Endpoints need to respond a dynamic configuration under 2 seconds or requests will be dropped otherwise and the widget will not load.

Create private/public key

Similarly to how DePay APIs ensure the authenticity of requests to your systems by cryptographically signing request bodies with RSA-PSS, you'll need to employ the same method when implementing dynamic configurations.

To begin signing your dynamic configuration responses, first generate a private key.

Ensure you have OpenSSL installed to generate private keys.

Install OpenSSL

Best to use Homebrew.

brew update
brew install openssl

Generate private key

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

Please ensure you adhere to the highest security standards when working with private keys. Never share or publicly disclose the private key.

Generate public key

openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

Store public key

Now take the content of the public_key.pem (not the private key!) and store it with your integration on

The public key format looks like:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Integrate responses

After setting up an endpoint and registering a public key with the integration, you can begin tailoring your endpoint to return dynamic configurations.

Incoming requests

Incoming requests will have the following headers:

Accept: application/json,application/vnd.api+json
Accept-Charset: utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Signature: 0Lt-bOwigLB_tPzWev5Iwe1YeWFWQ1fTi31wolfisWXuSKfuj53MujGfxkDli_A3R4IgFpgfEF6KmU1tDqYn2bId2HiFG6MYf5v25bhLscJnwAlGyVYMVmnxYyuPYsHMTZvZx61LSxC52TavRw4LN5wq9ux4nw4B30rnqCAaYKAZcUgpKgUwsMRToY0D8AwwW2mkkFk5rJKdx0LAnhz0dpGx5b5lc1v7UbcdzvteU8PBzyXcT2hQ-lMo8dTcdFM6tr_xJRrlxEOzeAKB3b2EfOKS_H9AtzICXT-NGc-HvgWKI56NURAheJweKdAvV7AF5atWTjSLnTFAHFl4NkLFsg==

Ensure you verify the incoming x-signature header to confirm the request's authenticity. How to verify communication.

Basic response

Responses need to be formatted in JSON.

A basic response includes a fundamental widget configuration detailing the list of accepted tokens for the respective tip. In a basic setup, tips are denominated in tokens:

"accept": [
"blockchain": "ethereum",
"token": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
"receiver": "0x4e260bB2b25EC6F3A59B478fCDe5eD5B8D783B02"

This configuration accepts USDT on the Ethereum blockchain sent to 0x4e260bB2b25EC6F3A59B478fCDe5eD5B8D783B02 as tip.

Consult the widget documentation for a deeper understanding of how widget configurations operate.

Sign your response

For secure communication, DePay mandates the use of RSA-PSS to sign your response, specifying a salt length of 64 and utilizing the SHA256 hashing algorithm. Once signed, ensure that you encode the signature in a base64 URL-safe format and transmit it through the x-signature header:

X-Signature: 0Lt-bOwigLB_tPzWev5Iwe1YeWFWQ1fTi31wolfisWXuSKfuj53MujGfxkDli_A3R4IgFpgfEF6KmU1tDqYn2bId2HiFG6MYf5v25bhLscJnwAlGyVYMVmnxYyuPYsHMTZvZx61LSxC52TavRw4LN5wq9ux4nw4B30rnqCAaYKAZcUgpKgUwsMRToY0D8AwwW2mkkFk5rJKdx0LAnhz0dpGx5b5lc1v7UbcdzvteU8PBzyXcT2hQ-lMo8dTcdFM6tr_xJRrlxEOzeAKB3b2EfOKS_H9AtzICXT-NGc-HvgWKI56NURAheJweKdAvV7AF5atWTjSLnTFAHFl4NkLFsg==

Ensure that you sign the response as string format and that the json string does not contain any line-breaks (\n) or unessary whitespace.

const { Buffer } = require("node:buffer");
import crypto from 'node:crypto';

const privateKeyString = process.env.MY_PRIVATE_KEY;
const privateKey = crypto.createPrivateKey(privateKeyString);

const configuration = {
/// your dynamic configuration

const dataToSign = JSON.stringify(configuration);

const signature = crypto.sign('sha256', Buffer.from(dataToSign), {
key: privateKey,
padding: crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING,
saltLength: 64,

const urlSafeBase64Signature = signature.toString('base64')
.replace('+', '-')
.replace('/', '_')
.replace(/=+$/, '');

res.setHeader('x-signature', urlSafeBase64Signature);

return JSON.stringify(configuration) // make sure to return JSON without line-breaks (\n) or unnessary whitespace

Passthrough payload

If your dynamic configuration depends on data initially provided to the button (on the frontend) and this data needs to be relayed to your backend for determining the dynamic configuration, pass your payload to the button during initialization:

payload='{"user": "123123123"}'

By doing so, the payload will be included when calling your configured endpoint. The request body directed towards your configured endpoint will now encompass:

"user": "123123123"

Dynamic user flow/redirect

For scenarios necessitating the redirection of users to dynamic URLs — which can vary per payment event, such as directing users to diverse confirmation screens — utilize the forward_to parameter within your dynamic configuration response:


"forward_to": ""



DePay employs two distinct confirmation levels for payment validation based on the transaction value and the underlying blockchain's characteristics. Payments below USD $1,000 are designated as "confirmed" after a single block confirmation. In contrast, payments valued at USD $1,000 or above receive the "finalized" status, which necessitates varying block confirmations depending on the specific blockchain in use:

For an in-depth overview, explore the extended validation section.

Payment flow

Successful payment

Failed payment

Only differs to a successful payment in regards of the validation result and everything happening after.

Ultimately instructing the user to retry the payment.