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Web3 Tip Link

Just create a link and start receiving tips.


On Mobile

DePay Tip Link on Mobile

On Desktop

DePay Tip Link on Desktop

Step by step

Go to the DePay App on and create a Payment Link via Links > New Link and select Tip Link.

Receiver Name/Image

Enter a name for the receiver in order to allow users to understand who will receive the tip.

You can also upload an image to represent the receiver visually.


Configure which tokens on which blockchains you want to receive as donations.

Select as few tokens per blockchain as possible, but select at least 1 token per blockchain for every blockchain you want to support.


Enter the addresses that are supposed to receive the tips. One per token. You can use the same address for multiple tokens if that address supports receiving these tokens. Double-check the entered addresses, as an incorrect address can lead to a loss of payments.


Enter up to 3 suggested amounts that the user can select quickly to perfom a donation.


You can select a primary color that will be used for the payment experience ensuring brand continuity throughout the payment experience.

Collect Data

Payment Links allow you to gather the following, additional information from your users:

  • Full Name
  • E-Mail
  • Shipping Address
  • Country
  • Quantity

User Flow

Configure what is supposed to happen after a payment has been performed and validated succssfully:

  • Redirect users back to you
  • Show a payment confirmation without redirecting users back to you

E-Mail Confirmations

You can configure Payment Links to automatically send payment confirmations per email after a successful payment:

  • Send confirmation to your users
  • Send confirmation to yourself

Callback Request

If your systems need to be informed about incoming payments (e.g. for automation) configure a callback request.

Once the payment has been succesfully completed and validated the configured callback endpoint will receive the following request:

e.g. the configured callback endpoint is

"status": "success",
"failed_reason": undefined,
"blockchain": "ethereum",
"transaction": "0xd4a9424440f6010af1bec311dda4e23d4f0016f4cc215da84a41650150ecb8b7",
"sender": "0x29b0d4cb9cFfEB360067199cf026dfD4854A8aB0",
"nonce": "1",
"receiver": "0x29b0d4cb9cFfEB360067199cf026dfD4854A8aB0",
"token": "0xa0bEd124a09ac2Bd941b10349d8d224fe3c955eb",
"decimals": 18,
"commitment": "confirmed",
"confirmations": 1,
"after_block": "13609144",
"amount": "822.5",
"fee_amount": undefined,
"fee_receiver": undefined,
"payload": {
"link_id": "xxNdddVnbN02f0Enrav8L"
"secret_id": "74417770-e6ac-4ae8-b027-0657600d7bad",
"callback": "",
"release": true,
"forward_to": "",
"forward_on_failure": false,
"confirmed_at": "2021-11-25T12:54:52.332Z",
"created_at": "2021-11-25T11:17:13.833Z",
"updated_at": "2021-11-25T12:54:52.334Z"

Other response codes but 200 will be considered a failed callback and will be retried up to 25 times over approx. 21 days.

Payment callbacks will retry failures with an exponential backoff using the formula (retry_count * 4) + 15 + (rand(30) (retry_count + 1)) (i.e. 15, 16, 31, 96, 271, ... seconds + a random amount of time).

Verify communication

On your link page on you will find a dedicated public key once you have activated "Send callback". Store and use it in your application to verify all communication from DePay's APIs to your systems is authentic.

DePay APIs include an x-signature header with all requests sent to your systems.

Use that x-signature header together with the stored public key to verify the request is authentic.

DePay employs RSA-PSS with a salt length of 64 and SHA256 to sign request bodies. The signature is then sent base64 safe URL-encoded via the x-signature header.

Use DePay's verify-js-signature package for JavaScript & Node:

import { verify } from '@depay/js-verify-signature'

let verified = await verify({
signature: req.headers['x-signature'],
data: JSON.stringify(req.body),

if(!verified){ throw('Request was not authentic!') }

Form Data

Form data entered during the payment is transported via the payload attribute:


"payload": {

"full_name": "Mister Smith",
"email": "",
"shipping_address": "738 S. Wentworth Street, Bronx, NY 10466",
"billing_address": "738 S. Wentworth Street, Bronx, NY 10466",
"country": "US",
"quantity": 5,
"usd_value_received": 100.10,
"custom_values": [
{ name: "Discord Name", value: "Ninja#123" },
{ name: "Age", value: 18 }



You can add discounts to your payment link.

Set the percentage of the applied discount and select the condition that needs to be met in order to apply the discount.

  • Select "Owns Token" as condition in order to apply the discount to customers owning the selected token.

  • Select "Owns NFT" as condition in order to apply the discount to customers owning the selected NFT.


Once you've provided all required information the app will generate a Payment Link that you can use.

Send your users to the link in order to perform payments as configured.

Inject Payload Data

You can append get parameters to the generated payment link in order to inject payload data which will become part of the payment callback request.

This e.g. allows you to track individual users or sessions by id throughout the payment flow.[user_id]=1234567

or multiple parameters[user_id]=1234567&payload[session_id]=89

Those values will reappear in the payment callback request in the following way:

"payload": {
"injected": {
"user_id": 1234567,
"session_id": 89

Forward Parameters

If you have configured a redirect as part of your link, any passed GET-paramter will be forward. This allows you to forward certain paramters to your system through the link payment.

payload GET-parameters will NOT be forward upon redirect. They are only used to enrich the callback payload.


Redirect is

You add the following GET-parameter when sending users to the payment link:

Users will be redirected after successful payment to the following URL:


DePay employs two distinct confirmation levels for payment validation based on the transaction value and the underlying blockchain's characteristics. Payments below USD $1,000 are designated as "confirmed" after a single block confirmation. In contrast, payments valued at USD $1,000 or above receive the "finalized" status, which necessitates varying block confirmations depending on the specific blockchain in use:

For an in-depth overview, explore the extended validation section.