in progress
in progress
Uniswap V3
in progress
Uniswap V2
in progress
Where can I buy DEPAY tokens?
DEPAY is listed on Orca , Uniswap & PancakeSwap .
Anything else I need to know about the DEPAY tokenomics?
Yes! Make sure you read our whitepaper: DePay Whitepaper
What is circulating supply?
Circulating Supply is the current amount of tokens across all blockchains that is technically available to be sold/used.
What is the current circulating supply for DEPAY tokens?
67,218,633 DEPAY tokens are currently in circulation.
What is the current max total supply of DEPAY tokens?
The current max total supply of DEPAY tokens is 67,218,733 DEPAY.
Was there a DEPAY token pre-sale, private-sale or seed-sale?
No. There was no DEPAY token pre-sale, private-sale nor seed-sale. Neither the team nor any individual has received any token allocation.
What are locked tokens?
Locked tokens are currently technically unavailable to be sold/used. Often, tokens in smart contracts can be considered locked.