Verisart - Shopify NFT minting

Simplify your NFT online shopping experience

Verisart's 鈥檚 web3 Shopify app has integrated DePay's App API to simplify NFT mints on Shopify. Users that select DePay during checkout will receive purchased NFTs directly into their wallet, without any additional minting steps or forms.

Select Item

First, customers select an item in the online shop. Those items are either just pure digital collectibles (NFTs) or digital collectibles minted alongside a physical object, functioning as a "Certificate of Authenticity".

Checkout & Pay

Then customers checkout and pay using DePay.

Mint & Delivery

Finally, Verisart mints the NFT and delivers it to the address used to perform the payment. No additional claiming steps or other forms. Just streamlined user experience in Web3.

DePay is live on World Chain 馃寪